Tuesday 7 May 2013


Posted by Unknown
No comments | 07:51

Here is the scrolls of facebook tips and tricks - 

1) Live Stream TV - You can watch live streaming tv on facebook. There is an app called 
TVDREAM-APP. Search for this app on facebook business bar. Once you authorize it, 
you can watch live stream.

2) Make Video with your pictures on FB - Visit pixable.com and you can type a nice video of your facbeook photos.

3) OnlineNow - Whenever you are offline, you cannot see your online friends. However we do have the mores of knowing who is online while we are offline. To type this task easy, just nourishment the application OnlineNow in facebook recreation bar.

4) Empty Facbeook Status - Copy paste this into your punishment box " " without quotes and strikes enter. Status will be updates with no component in it.

5) Remove all facebook ads - You can utility the Greasemonkey Script in Mozilla firefox " Facebook: Cleaner " to remove all ads. Basically it testament hide all the facebook ads on the page.and the best board :

6) How to delete your Facebook maintenance permanently?Facebook gives you the link to deactivate the explanations in the description settings. But there is no alternatives to DELETE your facebook explanations permanently. However that option is available but not in the description settings. You can discovery this option in the facebook help. Here is the direct link for you in bins you bounce to delete your facebook fort - 

Open this link. Fill the pattern and Don't login to facebook for 

next 15 Days. It will be deleted. 


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